We did her party at the park and invited family and some of her neighborhood friends. They had so much fun. We went on a treasure hunt to find all the colors of the rainbow. The girls had a lot of fun finding the colors and helping put them back together to make the rainbow. Then we opened presents and had rainbow cupcakes! It was a pretty fun party. We handed out cute gift baggies that had rainbow twizers and worther's originals at the bottom of the bag. The top had a cute saying that said "You're My POT O' GOLD at the End of the Rainbow! Thank You for coming!" I wish I would have remembered to get a picture of them. They were super cute! Everyone loved them!
Chris and I finally were able to get Mckenna her first big girl bike! She has always had too short of legs. This year, we decided she was big enough to get one. We surprised her with it at the end of her party. She was SO EXCITED! It is a cute princess bike complete with streamers, bell, basket, and a baby carrier seat! It is really cute. She is having so much fun with it already.
Overall it was a great day! Tomorrow we have a few other things planned with just family for her real birthday. It is still hard for me to believe that I will soon have a 4 year old! I don't feel like I'm old enough myself to have a child that old! ;) She is growing up so fast. We love her so much! Happy 4th Birthday Mckenna! =)