- Chris's school! He just finished his finals this past week! He did so awesome! We are all very proud of him and are glad he has a few weeks break from school to spend time with us!
- Becca's school! I'm so busy teaching school! I got offered a new position just this past week. I was offered to take over as the 3rd grade math teacher! I accepted it and am excited (I think...) to take on the job. It should be fun, but will take a lot of getting used to. I get to spend my holiday break planning for that class...not looking forward to that but I am looking forward to this great opportunity for me. I will miss being an aide for Kindergarten. I loved my little kindergartners so much! I will miss helping them out each day, but I feel taking this new position on will open up new doors for me and give me some good experience.
- Mckenna....she keeps us very busy. She is always finding new things to get in to and always wants new "projects" that are suppose to keep her out of trouble.Ha ha...we try out best to keep her entertained. She loves being at grandma's during the day and keeps her very busy as well! (Thanks grandma!!)
- Sydney....well this little girl is very much like her sister and is very busy. She is the fastest crawler around and pulls herself up onto EVERYTHING! She can stand by herself and will be walking in no time I am sure!
I am excited that this year we get to go to Moab for Christmas. It will be so fun to be with my family for a week or so. We haven't gotten together for a while, so I'm very excited!
I love this time of year and am so thankful for all of my wonderful friends and family. Chris and I are truly blessed in our lives. I am thankful for this time of year where we get to pause and reflect on the most important things in our lives...friends, family, and the gospel of Jesus Christ. Let us all remember the true meaning for the season...the birth of our Savior. I am thankful for him and I am also thankful whenever I get a small excuse to teach Mckenna about Jesus. Christmas is the perfect time to teach our children about Jesus. She loves the manger scenes at the temple and our nativities in our home. She loves Jesus so much. What a wonderful time of year! Merry Christmas to everyone!
"Around 10:30pm Thursday night Mckenna was still going berserk from having a bowl of pure sugar and a pack of fruit snacks. She was running around with her Princess magic wand casting magical spells while jumping off every piece of furniture she could climb up on. After that got boring she started to jump on the couch I was sitting on swinging her princess wand around my head when she decided to smack me in the face with it. Outraged by her reckless act I snatched the princess magical wand from her hand and dismantled it over my knee thus causing pieces of magical wand to fly every direction. Mire milliseconds after destroying the evil wand I realized my hand had suffered a significant blow located between the pointer finger and thumb. A large piece of meatiest flesh lay folded back and blood began to ooze profusely from the newly discovered wound. I shouted many hard to understand short statements in some gibberish language I’m sure only my daughter understood since she speaks mostly gibberish mixed with good English. I ran to my wife who was prepping for bed and showed her the awesomeness of ripped flesh. She responded quickly with a medical pack and taped the pieces .back together on my hand until 14 hours later I received medical attention from the Coral Desert Surgery Centers Administrator. Ken Summerhays. a.k.a Daddy. In shock he quickly administered what he called "Super Glue for the skin" to my badly severed hand and sent me on my way."
So who won the battle??? Judge for yourself!...the photo says a lot. Chris is still in pain with his hand wound and the princess wand is somewhere in the landfill by now. All I can say is that Mckenna won't be "casting magical spells" anytime soon!